Day 1
Introduction to floor and showroom
Explain the lay of the land
New hire paperwork / policy and procedure.
Introduction to system
Time clock
Spend time as customer / scroll through make yourself aware
Item look up
Stock availability
Customer profile / vendor profile
Order lookup and different parts of an order, revision
Day 2
Make payment
Basic note knowledge
Where local is considered
What is consider out of area and charges apply
Phone system, transfer and answer
What basic question can be asked to determine where to direct the call
Who does what in the company
How to send note in system for existing customer
Day 3
Basic introduction
For service issues pending
How we sort through existing with follow up and where we are at the moment
Basic knowledge of process of new issue
How to create where and what is needed
Our techs vs fsn
Credits basic understanding
Day 4
Spend time answering phone with assistance and follow basic guideline procedure that was gone over
Day 5
Pending issues
Start with one sales person and see how we can process through basic understanding of what still needs to be done With assistance